Wonderful, glorious food! I just love food. I have always been a big eater. I am also an emotional eater. I turn to food when I'm happy, sad, bored, lonely, etc. And I also have digestive issues. Bad.
Mostly, my issues are limited to acid reflux and heartburn. I've had both all my life, for as long as I can remember. When I was little, the first thing I'd have to upon waking up was stuff a piece of bread in my mouth and swallow quickly. It was all I could do to "push" the acid back down again. I never knew I had reflux, though. I just thought everyone had to eat something heavy in the morning or else they'd feel sick.
I think it was about a year ago when I realized what was going on. I tried cutting dairy out of my diet...didn't work. Tried cutting wheat out of my diet...didn't work. Tried cutting sugar out of my diet...nope, that didn't work either. In fact, nothing I do regarding food seems to alleviate my acid reflux. I have just gotten used to the heartburn. :(
My diet has never been really bad, but it's never been really great either. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, and I eat quite a natural diet full of whole grains (mostly quinoa, brown rice, and oats), veggies, and sometimes fruit. A smoothie made with whole organic cow milk, almond butter, raw honey, a banana, frozen blueberries, and sometimes spirulina is my staple breakfast. I eat salads with olive oil and apple cider vinegar for lunch. I eat eggs usually three times a week. Dinners are heavier and more traditionally American: boiled potatoes, some kind of boiled veggies, and some beans, or eggs, or some kind of fake soy meat. I eat spaghetti once a week, and leftover spaghetti the next day for lunch. Average foods.
Doesn't seem that bad, right? Well...how bout considering that I'm mostly STARVING all day long at work, and then STUFF MYSELF SILLY at dinner time. Hmm...yeah, that could contribute to the acid reflux. The biggest problem for me is that my reflux is worse on an empty stomach, and if I don't eat something about every two hours, I get ravenously hungry. But, I never bring enough snacks to work, and therefore overeat at dinner time, which causes more reflux. It's a terrible cycle.
So I've decided to do a little experiment. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) is a bitter herb that has been used to promote healthy digestion for centuries. It is also an amazing diuretic (hence its Irish slang name "piss-the-bed"), and helps move ickies from the body. Fresh Spring dandelion greens can be eaten in salads, the dried leaves can be taken as an extremely bitter tasting tea, or a tincture of the fresh plant and root can be taken; about 10-40 drops (depending on the individual and what it's being used for) in a little water.
I have some homemade Dandelion Root tincture that I never use because it tastes so damn, well, bitter. But I made it specifically for my digestive issues, so it's about time that I utilize this powerful medicine. I am going to start taking about 20 drops in a little water before each meal. Bitter herbs, like dandelion, cause the belly to release hydrochloric acid which helps digestion and can stop acid reflux before it starts! Let's hope it works for me!!
The other part of my experiment involves fermenting foods! I tasted sauerkraut for the first time about two weeks ago. A friend from work brought me a quart of it about two months ago, and told me to open it when I was ready, and then refrigerate it after opening.
Well, I couldn't get the jar open! Truly, honestly, we all tried. Me, my mom, my husband, my mom's husband...nobody could open the jar!
Well, one day during a WICKED bout of PMS where I needed something salty and sour, I got slightly crazy, and stabbed the canning lid with a knife! I had NO IDEA that it was under pressure, and it squirted juice like three feet in the air! I took it outside to let it keep squirting, and then I sliced the lid all the way open, and peeled it back with pliers. Then I took off the first few tablespoons of kraut and threw it away (my friend said to do this), and then poured all the rest into another jar.
So anyway, I absolutely LOVED it. I am a person who really enjoys sour foods, and it was sour like really sour pickles! And very crunchy!! The first night, I ate about a third of the jar, it was just sooo good! My friend thought it would have given me a bellyache since I'm not used to eating kraut, but it didn't. Yum.
I've read about the health benefits of fermented foods. Similar to yogurt, fermented foods contain good bacterial that help our bellies to all the things our bellies are supposed to do, like digest food and expel waste. However, oftentimes we eat such cruddy stuff that our digestive flora get out of whack. Fermented foods get things going again.
I plan on investing in a copy of
Wild Fermentation, and starting to include fermented foods into my DAILY diet. I am hoping that eating lots of fermented foods along with taking bitter herbs will make my reflux go away completely! I will be sure to update on how things are going. :)