Thursday, October 9, 2008

Please make my brain stop spinning.


There is too much to update about. I need to find a way to keep it simple. Bullets, anyone?

  • Postpartum Doula Training: was wonderful! I attended the DONA International Postpartum Doula Training with Betsy Schwartz up in Jacksonville a few weeks ago. Betsy was absolutely awesome, totally down to earth...I felt like she was someone I could really relate to. She just seemed to...get it, ya know? People who do birth and postpartum work...they either get it or they don't. Betsy totally gets it.Anyway, we learned a variety of things...what postpartum doulas do and what they don't do, how to identify breastfeeding problems and postpartum depression, how to know when to refer your client out for additional assistance, how to teach the father how to mother the mother, and tons more that I can't remember right now because I'm exhausted.I would definitely recommend this training, especially with Betsy as the instructor, to anybody interested in doing postpartum work. It was just wonderful to be around like-minded women who all care about mothers and babies. And it convinced me that I really need to take the...

  • Birth Doula Training: yep, I've decided to take DONA's birth doula training, too. Now, here's the deal. I don't know if I'll actually be able to pursue active birth doula'ing. I'm one of those birth advocates who started out backwards. I've never given birth...I've never experienced birth in the hospital. But I always knew in my heart that homebirth is what's right for me. So really, I had no idea what hospital birth was really like. I mean, I had read a few bad hospital birth stories on the Mothering forums, but I originally thought I could make a difference as a doula. I planned on advocating for women and speaking up for them when they were in the throes of labor. Oh yes. I was gonna be a great doula and help women have awesome homebirth-like-births, only in the hospital. I actually believed all this. Until I attended a childbirth preparation class in one of my local...

  • Hospitals: a hospital is simply not a safe place for a healthy woman to give birth. I know this will turn away some readers. I understand if you feel threatened by this. If you are a woman planning on giving birth in the hospital, as all your family and friends always have, then understandably you'd be upset if someone told you that the place you trust most is actually the place you should fear most. But...I assure you that I am not judging your choice of where to give birth. It has nothing to do with judgement and everything to do with safety. Birth is as safe as life gets...but interference is risky. When we interfere with a normal, biological process that our bodies are designed to do...when we add technology and tests and pokes and prodding and interruptions and interventions...that's when things start to go wrong. So yes. I went to the hospital. For the first time since my grandmother was dying of cancer, I went to the hospital. I went first a few months ago to observe a local childbirth education class. As part of my Birthing From Within training, I was required to attend to see what the mainstream women in my community are being taught in hospitals. And I was absolutely horrified at what I heard.I sat and listened as the instructor, who, oddly enough, really seemed to care about mothers and babies...I listened as she told the class that women's perineums are not capable of stretching to accommodate a baby's head, and for that reason, almost all women receive routine episiotomies. I listened as she told the class a wonderful story of a woman who used hypnobirthing had a pain-free, drug-free birth, and then proceeded to roll her eyes and tell the class that this hypnobirthing woman also had to practice for three hours each day for the past five months. I listened as she touted the awesome benefits of epidurals and did not list even ONE potential side effect. I went home completely discouraged that night.

    Then, last night, I attended a Newborn Care Class at the other local hospital. This was a requirement of my DONA postpartum doula training (since I have not given birth within the past five years, nor can I volunteer time in a daycare or nursery right now). I went there ready to learn how to swaddle, diaper, bathe, and feed newborns. I worked in a nursery about five years ago for almost three years, but I wanted to learn different approaches to newborn care. I was completely disappointed when we didn't even go over these things! Instead I listened to the instructor say that they encourage breastfeeding at this hospital, but that "There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. It's a personal choice." I listened to her tell the class that "an angry-looking, bright red penis is actually healthy after a circumcision." Oh yes, as if a genital wound on a non-consenting infant could ever be healthy. She explained how cords are clamped immediately after birth, babies are taken to the warmer to be washed off, dried, and clothed, and then given to mom for a little while to "bond and initiate breastfeeding before being taken to the nursery for additional tests". Why can't the babies just stay with their mamas??

    I was just appalled, really. And this is why I don't think I can be an active birth doula. Not in hospitals, anyway. I believe in the cause whole-heartedly. I truly do. In fact, I have encouraged my mother to enter the doula field. She is going to take the birth doula training with me, and I believe she is going to be an absolutely AMAZING birth doula. As for me...I am probably going to stick with postpartum work...for now. Because, ultimately, my dream lies in...

  • Midwifery: I can't deny it to myself anymore. How many times does my heart have to break and scream to me that this is my purpose before I actually listen? Well, I am listening now. I am going to pursue midwifery. I am considering all my options, but right now I am leaning toward enrolling in Ancient Arts Midwifery Institute, and then later apprenticing and going through NARM (specifically their PEP process) to become a Certified Professional Midwife. It feels surreal just typing it out here. But it's true. I'm going to do it. I am going to become a midwife. But first, I am focusing on obtaining my doula certifications and growing my business...and, of course...

  • Trying To Conceive: Oh the joys and the sorrows. My husband and I are going through our second cycle of trying to conceive. I am on cycle day 29, and I am, unfortunately, not feeling pregnant this time around either. That is okay, though. I am still optimistic. If we did conceive this cycle, I will be ecstatic. But if not, that's okay. A little July baby would be absolutely perfect, too. :)

Alright, I'm going to make another entry with some beautiful photos, and then I'm going to feed my dog and get ready for bed. I'm exhausted just from writing all this out! It feels good to update, though. I need to make more time for myself soon. I'm sorry I haven't been updating regularly...just too much going on right now. But, things are going to get more regular around here (har har) very soon, I promise!

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